Mindfulness Minute: Relaxation

Today’s “Minute of MIndfulness” Practice is a favorite final relaxation meditation of mine. I learned about this in high school. About once a month in religion class, our teacher would take us to the chapel at school and allow us to lay on the floor. She would then read us prayers or meditations and let us spend the class mindfully. On a few occasions she took us through this body scan. I fondly remember this experience. At the time it never occurred to me to ask her for a copy. Many years later as I began taking yoga classes, I remember being guided yet again through this wonderful experience. It was then that I dug deeper and realized that I could find a version of it on YouTube and use this 61 point guided meditation before bed or in a stressful moment. It only takes a minute but packs a big impact!

Try it with your children or your spouse before bed tonight and see if they enjoy it as much as I do!

61 Point Guided Meditation

Bring your awareness to each of the following body parts. No judgement. Don’t dwell too long. Just bring your attention there and feel a sense of relaxation settle in as you come to each body part.

  1. Center of Forehead

  2. Base of Front of Neck

  3. Right Shoulder

  4. Right Elbow

  5. Right Wrist

  6. Right Thumb

  7. Right index finger

  8. Right middle finger

  9. Right ring finger

  10. Right little finger

  11. Right wrist

  12. Right elbow

  13. Right shoulder

  14. Base of the front of the neck

  15. Left shoulder

  16. Left elbow

  17. Left wrist

  18. Left thumb

  19. Left index finger

  20. Left middle finger

  21. Left ring finger

  22. Left little finger

  23. Left wrist

  24. Left elbow

  25. Left shoulder

  26. Base of the front of the neck

  27. Center of the chest

  28. Right of chest

  29. Center of chest

  30. Left of chest

  31. Center of chest

  32. Navel

  33. Pelvic bone

  34. Right hip

  35. Right knee

  36. Right ankle

  37. Right big toe

  38. Right second toe

  39. Right third toe

  40. Right fourth toe

  41. Right little toe

  42. Right ankle

  43. Right knee

  44. Right hip

  45. Pelvic bone

  46. Left hip

  47. Left knee

  48. Left ankle

  49. Left big toe

  50. Left second toe

  51. Left third toe

  52. Left fourth toe

  53. Left little toe

  54. Left ankle

  55. Left knee

  56. Left hip

  57. Pelvic bone

  58. Navel

  59. Center of chest

  60. Base of the front of the neck

  61. Center of the forehead

Happy Relaxing!

love + light,



Child’s Pose and the Vagus Nerve


Mindfulness Minute: Gratitude