Child’s Pose and the Vagus Nerve
Ever wonder why child’s pose is considered a rest pose? Ever thought about having your child take a child’s pose before doing homework? Or maybe just putting their forehead down on their desk at school or table at home?
When our forehead is resting on the floor (or table or our hands), we are stimulating the vagus nerve. The vagus nerve helps to regulate our nervous system. When we put pressure on it, it helps to lower blood pressure and slow our heart rate. It also helps to decrease levels or cortisol and reduce tension. Child’s pose also allows the opportunity to draw our senses inward.
In need of a brain break? Take a moment to rest that forehead and notice the effect it has on the entire body. You can rest the forehead still or roll slightly side to side. Most importantly, don’t forget to breathe.
Child’s pose + inhale, exhale, repeat = ahhhhhhhh!
Try it out with your kiddos and let me know how they feel! Ask them to come into child’s pose, notice their breath and take note of how it impacts how they’re feeling - even just taking the time to ask them this question may be all the difference they need to calm themselves!
love + light,