Living Fully

“Yoga is about clearing away whatever is in us that prevents our living in the most full and whole way.” – Cybele Tomlinson

I love the idea in the above quote about clearing things out and living fully and that our yoga practice plays a part in that. Waking up this morning and looking at the weather forecast- more snow and more freezing temps- makes it easy to feel down. The onset of spring still feels so far from reach. I came across this quote and it spoke to me this morning. What is preventing me from living in the most full and whole way right now today? For me, it's the constant wishing to be at the next phase. Things will get better when spring is here and we can be outside. Things will get better once I'm vaccinated. Things will get better once the kids are back in activities. And while this year is certainly a challenge and hopefully one of the hardest ones that we all collectively will go through, I don't want to live each day waiting for the next thing.

So I'm challenging myself this week to start each morning in appreciation of what I do have going. I'm working on re-framing those thoughts about what I'm looking forward to tomorrow and thinking about what I can clear away, both mentally and in my house. I'm going to try to focus my energy on the fact that I get some extra snuggles with my crew, that I'm not running them around from place to place, and that I have that extra time to de-clutter my house or read a book or do a puzzle.

In our class this week, we'll work on meeting ourselves just as we are. Even in our yoga practice, we sometimes think, "when I have more time to do yoga regularly then I'll be able to do that pose" or "when I can land that pose that's tough for me, then I'll feel accomplished." So this week let's sink into our breath, stretch our body, and find appreciation for all of the things we have right here in this moment.

love + light,



Ebbs & Flows


Be the energy you want to attract