Be the energy you want to attract

“The beauty of yoga. It is the meeting of the brain with the body. When you are attentive, concentrated, when you feel what you are doing; there is energy. The binding of the two becomes energy. It is important to understand this. When they are together there is a great energy, which gives the body freedom and makes the mind more supple" -Vanda Scaravelli

One of my first classes that I ever taught was about this very topic: our energy and how we can use our yoga practice to alter our energy. I was thinking about how at this time of the year when we are tired of the cold and of the days being short, it often leads to a lack of energy. After I taught that first class on energy, I felt so alive and energized- I really saw in action what a difference moving my body, using my breath, and changing my mental state can have on my ability to be productive.

So this week, we'll look at different ways to energize ourselves. As our Zoom classes are at night, we'll take into consideration what practices may help us wind down for bed. As you may be looking to increase your energy, like I have been, I thought it might be helpful to give you a little cheat sheet. I've attached a worksheet that you can print off with some stretches and breath practices that you can do when you need to boost your energy.

I'm wishing you a week full of the things and people that energize you.

love + light,



Living Fully


Rooted in Purpose