Embrace the Space
"Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom." - Victor Frankl
This's weeks theme is all about noticing that there can be a space between stimulus and response and widening and embracing that space. Rather than floating through life, responding without thinking, this is a call to find some steadiness. Yoga gives us the capacity to recognize and be present to this space, and to understand that it is our way to a more content fulfilled life.
I had the opportunity this past Thursday to attend a one-day Meditation and Mindfulness training. It was so fun to learn about the MANY benefits of meditation on the brain. It was also a great chance to try out different forms of meditation and notice which ones worked for me. It felt great to have some space in my week to learn, grow, and be present. When I read the Victor Frankl quote above in a book I'm reading, it sparked interest in me to delve into it as a theme for the week.
So here's to joining me on or off your mat and seeing if you can notice that there can be a space between stimulus and response if we let there be. Here's to taking a breath or two before responding. And here's to trying again when we forget to do this and don't like the way we react to a situation.