Watering the Seeds

Your life is not static. Every decision, setback, or triumph is an opportunity to identify the seeds of truth that make you the wonderous human being that you are. I'm not talking just about what you do for a living. When you pay attention to what feeds your energy you move in the direction of the life for which you were intended. Trust that the Universe has bigger, wider, deeper dreams for you than you could ever imagine for yourself." -Oprah

I listened to Oprah's SuperSoul podcast recently about "the seeds". Oprah spoke of her journey and a specific day where the seeds were planted and she felt that her job ended and her calling began. I love thinking about the different seeds that bloom for us and spark our passion, purpose, and motivation. What better time than now to have this be our theme for the week. We are finally starting to see winter wind down and will see the first blooms bursting in these coming weeks. At this time of preparing for spring, we often hear the term spring cleaning. As you clean your yard to get ready for a season of enjoying the outdoors, you may begin to think about what actual seeds you will plant in the ground. This is the perfect time to think about the seeds we plant in our minds and in our lives.

This theme goes hand in hand with last week's theme of being rooted in our purpose. In our classes last week we spoke about the idea that if we don't know yet what our purpose is, then our purpose can be looking for our purpose. This week we'll think about what seeds, what small things in our lives, leave us feeling inspired. Where do we feel that spark of joy, of energy, and how can we cultivate more of that.

Our yoga practice is like the small seed. We don't have to jump on our mat everyday for a 60 or 90 minute session. While that would be amazing, it isn't always in the cards for us. Can we focus on one small part of our practice this week? Maybe it's committing to taking one yoga class this week, or doing 10 minutes everyday or even the smallest seed of making an effort to use a breath practice once or twice this week.

Whatever seeds you are watering this week, know that I am rooting for to them to bloom in big, beautiful ways!

love and light,



Rooted in Purpose


Time change got anyone else today?