See the good here. Accept, don’t resist
"Accept everything about yourself-I mean everything. You are you, and that is the beginning and the end- no apologies, no regrets." -Clark Moustakas
I’m focusing on the theme: Santosha. Santosha is the second of the Niyamas, the yoga philosophy we began to look at last week. Santosha literally means contentment.
On our mat we work to accept and celebrate our limitations. We ask ourselves, "What would contentment look like in this pose?"
Santosha reminds us to find peace and acceptance with ourselves as we are today- a difficult process for many of us. In yoga, the physical postures we do are called asana. B.K.S Iyengar says, "The brain is the hardest part of the body to adjust in asanas." So let's work this week on accepting where we are without resistance and seeing the good HERE and NOW.