Say Yes
Say yes to the adventure of being alive. Say yes to this one life! -Unknown
Today, I remember my grandma, Granny, (who her family affectionately called “The Beautiful Queen”). She was one of, if not THE, most amazing woman I have ever known. She made friends wherever she went and was always up for a good laugh. She was a great mother, wonderful grandmother, and excellent friend.
This week, I will be celebrating her wonderful 91 years of life and remembering the numerous life lessons I learned from her. One that I will certainly embrace this week, and try to always is her philosophy: “only say no when you have to.” She told me this early in my parenting career and trust me as she had 7 kids of her own, I often looked to her for parenting advice. She said, “There are so many times and things you HAVE to say no to, so say yes whenever you can.” I love this mindset!
What can we say yes to this week? To our kids, to our spouse, to our friends?
How can we use this in our yoga practice on and off the mat. Saying yes to trying new poses or new yoga classes. Or maybe this week it looks like saying yes to a day off from working out or a nap. This week I challenge you to listen to your intuition and say yes to something you normally wouldn’t- either for yourself, your kids, or someone else in your life.
I wish you all a week full of the things I cherished about my grandma most- laughter, faith, warm hugs, smiles, an ability to feel loved and heard no matter what.