Mindfulness Minute: Air and Water
Air and Water!
A friend told me today how she often reminds herself of something I mentioned in one of my classes:
Air and water are free, we have access to them anytime, they both have healing properties, and we often forget about them.
Today’s minute of mindfulness: Air + Water
Take 30 seconds and notice your breath, thank your body for breathing for you all day without you even having to think about it. Take the next 30 seconds and drink a glass of water. Notice how you feel after you breathe and then again notice how you feel after you drink the water.
How would our days change if we stopped when we were feeling tense, stressed, or angry, and spent one minute noticing our breath and drinking a glass of water before reacting. What would happen if we taught these strategies to our kids?
This week I’m working on finding small things throughout my day to be grateful for. I’m going to add air and water to the top of my list- what about you?
Let me know if you try out this minute of mindfulness trick and if it makes a difference for you!
Love + Light,