How does yoga help relieve anxiety?

“Meditation, visualization, and focusing on breathing can help with letting go of worry and fear. The overall practice of yoga can elicit the relaxation response, allowing both the body and mind to gain a sense of calm and ease.”

Katharina Star, PhD. Counsellor Specialising in Anxiety

We know yoga can help with anxiety.

Even though we know this, it can be tough to remember to use our yoga practice in the heat of an anxious moment. I see this often with my anxious children. When their anxiety kicks in, I can attempt to bribe them, but their anxiety is bigger than their ability to want that reward in the moment. They are in fight, or flight, or freeze mode. How does our yoga practice help us with anxiety? How can it help us make these big, anxious moments less frequent or less severe?

“Some postures are challenging, but you are learning to relax under physical duress and this can help you handle long-term anxiety.” ~Heather Mason

Yoga is one piece of the puzzle in helping anxiety. It is not to say that if you practice yoga you will no longer have anxiety. You may also benefit from therapy and/or medication. Let’s look at what studies are finding though in how yoga can play a part in relieving symptoms of anxiety.

“As a mind-body practice, yoga allows people to become aware of the link between their minds and bodies in a way which can help them become less anxious. For example, shallow breathing may contribute to a heightened stress response, or repeated patterns of behavior might ultimately worsen overall anxiety (for instance, relying on alcohol to calm down). Yoga increases mind-body awareness, as well as offering a form of relaxation which can replace unhealthy coping mechanisms.” -The Minded Institute

Just as I try to remind myself when my kids are feeling anxious, or when I notice that my anxiety is keeping me up at night, the healing process is a journey made of small steps. Working with my kids before and after the moments of anxiety, helping to teach them the tools they can use the next time they find themselves feeling that way is progress. As my doctor reminded me recently, healing is not linear. Practicing yoga will not immediately relieve you of any future anxiety however, it can certainly help!

When you notice yourself feeling anxious this week. Pause. Put a hand to the space in your body where you feel those feelings (throat, head, stomach). Take a deep breath. Listen to what you’re body is saying.


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