The Beauty of Connection

How are you? Looking around lately, I've noticed a lot of heaviness- so many tough things going on in my little world and certainly in the greater world.

This week, I have been amazed at the juxtaposition of the amount of sadness I have seen and felt and also how much goodness, strength, and friendship I have witnessed. I saw the quote above about healing and it struck me. Yoga is derived from the Sanskrit word "yuj" meaning yoke or union- a connection between the body and breath. When times are tough, which they often are, having a sense of connection to others can help us lighten the burden. Our yoga practice can help us internally lighten the burden as well. As we find a connection between body and breath, we can slowly begin to help ourselves heal through even the toughest of times.

I'm working this week to notice the connection my breath has to my body in my yoga practice and how it can help me work through sadness and tough days. I'm also trying to notice the beautiful connections I have around me and pour my energy into the beauty of connection.

I'd love to hear how you are doing this week- feel free to email me back, as always. I'd love to hear where you're feeling connected this week. If you're not feeling connected this week, let me know what's troubling you, if you need some connection- I'm here for you.

love, light, and connection,



Shift Your Perspective