Cancel and Bless
"Muddy water is best cleared by leaving it alone." Alan Watts
Cancel and Bless is about forgiving ourselves and others. Cancel and Bless is a mantra to try when our first thought after an interaction is not positive or charitable. When you feel a mean thought creep in or your mind going to a dark place, instead cancel the thought and send a blessing- cancel and bless. This works on ourselves too. When you leave an interaction second guessing yourself, employ cancel and bless. Let it go and move on!
On the mat we'll cancel and bless when we stumble out of a tough balance pose. We'll send ourselves a blessing for our attempt or a blessing for our ability to be here.
I'm going to use this as my mom mantra this week as well. When I get frustrated with an interaction I have with one of my kids, I'll remember that I can cancel, bless, and start again.