Calm Amidst Chaos

"Peace. It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart." -Unknown

i’m focusing today on finding calm no matter what's happening in your life. Each of us has a story, and on any given day, some sort of "chaos" that we're dealing with. On our yoga mat, we can focus on finding our center and noticing what our body feels like when it's calm. We work on how to find this calm even in those noisy, hard, troublesome moments. 

This morning as I got my crew off to school, which is always an adventure, my son's backpack broke. I had a spare for him to use, but it was not what he wanted or expected. This turned into him crying not only the whole drive to school, but also the walk around the block to drop his siblings, and into me carrying him in the door crying. Not our best Monday morning. As it was unfolding, I remembered a practice from my yoga training and just tried to repeat in my head "Observe, Not Absorb". He was going to be upset either way, but it was on me to make the decision to not let his start to the day impact my mood and my attitude. 

So here’s to you, practicing your deep breaths and finding your calm among the chaos of everyday life.


“You need to calm down!” But HOW?


Cancel and Bless