No one is you; that is your power
“Yoga is the practice of tolerating the consequences of being yourself.” Bhagavad Gita
“The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.” Carl Jung
Being exactly who we are is a tough practice. I read an article recently that said being yourself is the toughest yoga practice of them all. Last week we talked about small steps and how they lead to great action. This week, let’s focus on small ways we can be more authentically ourselves. When are you most in the zone? What are you doing when you feel most alive or most like yourself? How can you incorporate more of those moments into your week?
“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you someone else is the greatest accomplishment.” Ralph Waldo Emerson
Here are some tips for being you in yoga practice from Psychologist, Tris Thorp:
Show up on your mat with the intention of giving yourself the gift of being present in this moment.
Close your eyes as much as possible (and when it’s safe to do so) during your practice to help you stay inwardly focused.
Use your breath to synchronize the movements of your physical body from one asana to the next.
Approach new poses with curiosity, an open mind, and a playful heart. Remember that at one point in your life, you didn’t know how to ride a bike and now it’s effortless.
When given instruction on a pose you find challenging or scary, have the courage to ask the instructor for guidance. That is what they are there for and they will be happy to help.
Take new asanas one step—or phase—at a time. Don’t rush into the full expression of a pose just because someone else is doing it.
Honor where you are today. Some days you will be stronger; some days you will have more or less flexibility, and other days you will have better balance.
Look for correlations between your practice on the mat and how you’re navigating your daily life. Where are you feeling strong? Where can you practice being more flexible or cultivate more balance?
Acknowledge and appreciate the beauty of those around you, and then immediately come back to your mat.
Have fun and BE YOU!
I won’t be teaching live classes this week as I’m on vacation. As always, if you are a MK Namaste member you can take pre-recorded classes anytime. If you are practicing at home, let yourself truly be who you are as you move through your yoga poses. Remember, you can choose to just do one or two poses if you don’t have time for a longer practice. Embrace the poses or breath practices that feel good to you in your body just as it is today. I’m working this week to love myself as I would a friend or family member. I hope you’ll join me in this practice.