Finding Balance in Tough Times

What does balance look like for you these days? I’m sure it’s taken on a much different meaning during Covid times. I listened to a podcast this week while I was cleaning the house. The podcast was "The Life School Podcast" with Brooke Castillo. It was about pre-traumatic stress and how that is something we are all facing at this difficult time. I put a link to listen to it below if you'd like.

One thing Brooke mentioned was that we need to find balance with our stress response and our control of our mind. So if we spend time reading the news and/or going to the worst case scenario, we can balance it out by using our imagination to also go to the best case scenario. Her recommendation was that we do allow our brains to read and think about the what if scenarios but then to also then offer our brain the alternative and also in equal amounts of time. 

It inspired me to make tonight’s class centered on balance. How can we find balance in our day to day? We’ll use balancing poses in our practice to help anchor and calm the mind and the breath. 

I am grateful for the opportunity to still connect with you in an online practice. And I very much look forward to when we’re back on the mat in person together. 

I wish you a week of finding balance and celebrating the small wins and little joys throughout your day.





Patience is the Art of Hoping